Dear Life's Plan,
I promise to finally make a change.
Do things one at a time.
If there's a day in which I feel like writing, I’ll do that.
If I want to be drawing or painting, I’ll do that.
Cannot keep putting things off, cannot continue the laziness.
I’m so much better than this!
From this day forth, I’ll do the following things before the sleep of death falls upon me:
· Finalizing a part of The Yellow Trolley Chronicles- preferably 1st novel.
· Then laying the other two books to rest.
· Focusing on writing other pieces- meaning continuing on short stories, vignettes, poems, letters, journaling, screenplay, and future novels.
· Making art again- starting off with drawing, painting, and printmaking.
· Coming up with some fantastic mural ideas for Thurgood Marshall (formerly Colonel White High School for the Performing Arts) and visiting Belmont more often to feel further inspired by watching these young creative high schoolers at work!
· Outlining Library- the late night eclectic book café bar featuring baked organic goods, coffee, tea, cocoa, and alcoholic/non-alcoholic drinks named after writers like George Eliot, Edgar Allen Poe, Richard Wright, Alice Walker, etc.
· Coping old pictures of my mom’s youth that are over at my maternal uncle’s house and pictures of my youth from my paternal aunt’s house into my laptop! ( I need to see the family anyway! It’s been such a while and I miss them all! Life is too short to hold off on things.)
· And getting more sleep- must get enough of that!

A Future Millionaire,
Janyce Denise Glasper


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