Halloween Fun Part 1

Who the heck were we supposed to be?
Very, very cool....

It was the very first time for all three of us- Rob, his friend, Toya, and I to ever attend Oregon District's "Hauntfest" formerly called "Boo and Brew."

(Mini bag essentials- wallet w/ ID, moisturizing chapstick, and cherry pie larabar!)

We certainly had a great time mingling with the funny, the scary, the wild, the daringly creative, the sexy, the superheroes, the villains, and creepy bunch of folks that came dressed with a lot (or not so much) effort!
Certainly a real treat to take pics of or with some of the best costumed individuals for the night.
No beer for us- we settled with $1 hot chocolates watching the heavily intoxicated, very drunken public displays of attention.

Aren't they cute?
Bet they light each other up, eh?
(Corny joke I know....)

Creativity at its finest!
Look at all of them buttons.
How many of them do you suppose were from beer bottles?
1, 2, 3......

My hero!
He certainly had both me and Toya's hearts racing!

But it was that irresistible Duff Man that stole my senses!

A scary masked individual serving a brown skinned Wendy?
Only in the Oregon District....

Feeling vintage-y?

It's Bumblebee!
Night couldn't be complete without at least one Transformer right?
Totally amazing!

One of my Gryfindor classmates!
Very sweet and frienldy!
OMG, she reminds me of a non-redhead Ginny Weasley!
Also we had a pink haired passerby....

Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice!
It was a little pass ten, but this man was already crazily drunk!

Feathers, the antique shop was closed for a private party...

But some very nice people put on a special window display show for us!

99% out and proud!

Mighty fine divas there!

Run DMC! Easy E!
So freaking sweet!
Always wanted to meet them....

My brother didn't even know that was our cousin, Tyneshia underneath all the Mardi Gras beads and golden masquerade mask!
Ummm... her lovely dimples are hard to miss!
Shouted, "get in the picture with us!"
His expression was like, "why...."
I laughed sooooo hard at his dawning realization!

Her name is Bionca and she's a fiery, beautiful Catwoman!

Caught Jack smoking cigarettes and Sally certainly didn't seem to mind his habit!
Then again he has many....

Can you see us?
That's me and my old pal from Roth Middle School, Chalonda Shoecraft or aka "The Cat's Meow!"



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